Discover The Power Of KARMIC MASTERY!
Dear Spiritual Seeker,
You know that, in theory, you should be able to create whatever circumstances you want in your life.
You are, after all, a Divine Being in a human experience!
You've probably studied the Law of Attraction.
You probably strive to follow your inner wisdom and guidance.
You do your best to be a positive person who does the "right" thing.
And yet ... you are probably still attracting situations and circumstances that you DO NOT WANT into your life.
And your manifesting results are probably still hit-or-miss.

Unfortunately, very few people understand how the Laws of Karma actually work to create real-life results!
And yet, Karma is at work in all of our lives, all day, every day, and determines all of our circumstances. It is, in fact, impossible for us to attract anything new without shifting into new karmic patterns.
Here are the biggest misconceptions that people have about Karma:
Karmic Misconception #1:
We generate positive karma by being “good.”
How do we know this can’t possibly be true? Because “bad” things happen to “good” people constantly.
This is possibly the concept that most frequently holds people back from creating positive and abundant circumstances!
You see, most of our concepts of being “good” are actually derived from external sources of authority. We are taught what it means to be “good” by society, our families, the educational system, the industries we work in, even our close friends and our loved ones.
What actually generates positive karma is taking action that is CONGRUENT to our Divine, Soul-level nature.
And, at Soul-level, each and every one of us is different.
That means what generates positive Karma is different for each and every one of us. The choices that generate fantastic consequences for one person will generate nothing but struggle for someone else.
We cannot try creating positive Karma by following the generalized rules of “good” behavior set forth by society. In fact, following those rules can end up generating incredibly negative personal karma for us!
Obviously, that doesn’t mean we stop being kind, caring, compassionate people … but if we are not creating an abundant, joyful experience we must be willing to acknowledge that our current patterns of choice aren’t creating the positive karmic circumstances that we most certainly deserve.
Karmic Misconception #2:
Karma is some sort of cosmic “payback” for past misdeeds that we have to suffer through to its completion.
Because we’re being “good” and “bad” stuff is still showing up in our lives, it is easy to assume that what we are experiencing is a “karmic hangover” and are suffering today because of past misdeeds.
Nothing could be further from the truth! We actually have the ability to change our karmic circumstances very quickly - sometimes in just a few days!
Karma isn’t some retributive force. What we attract right now is actually a direct reflection of our CURRENT karmic circumstances.
If we understand the Laws of Karma, we can change what we attract, quickly and permanently.
Karmic Misconception #3:
Karma is a B - - TCH
Karma actually comes in two versions: Positive and negative karma. And while negative karma can indeed make us feel like we are stuck between a rock and a hard place, positive karma is an entirely different story.
Positive karma is your very best friend in life.
Positive financial karma will make sure that you never, ever go broke, for example. If you lose your job, you’ll easily and quickly find a new one. If you encounter a financial crisis, it will be offset by a financial windfall.
Positive relationship karma ensures that you are always loved and supported, even if some people deselect themselves out of your. life.
Positive physical karma keeps your body safe, free of injury and disease, even if you do occasionally indulge in fast food and candy bars.
When we step into positive karmic states, life is full of what other people might consider “good luck.” Except there is no such thing as “luck!” And when you know how to generate positive karma, you never need to be afraid of life’s rug being pulled out from under you!
Here's The Hard Truth You Might Have To Admit To Yourself:
- If you are NOT yet living an absurdly abundant, fulfilling human experience …
- If you don’t have MORE than enough money, time, and love in your life …
- If you are struggling in spite of working so hard on your own growth and evolution …
… then you do not know your personal rules for generating positive and negative karma!
If you KNEW how to generate nothing but positive karma, your life would be overflowing with abundance.
Not only that, but positive karma is the MOST PROTECTIVE force available to us. When we are in the flow of positive karmic patterns, our lives are practically teflon-coated against drama and hardship. Everything glides right past us, no matter what is happening in our environment.
If you're not creating your most abundance, struggle-free reality, you may have to admit to yourself that you just don’t know exactly how to masterfully generate the kind of karma you want … at least, not enough to create the specific reality you want.
Of course, we’ve been conditioned to tolerate living with less than what we really want.
I have already lost 10 pounds towards my "intention" of losing a total of 30 lbs. of body fat in 8 weeks... I am amazed! I couldn't do this before! I am truly in charge of my LIFE...not a helpless leaf blowing around in the winds of time; I feel so EMPOWERED....wish I'd known this info when I was much younger!
Rio Ke'alii Martell
Your Soul did not incarnate just so it could pay the bills, experience joy only on the weekends, engage in un-fulfilling relationships, or deal with aches and pains or even chronic illness.
The spiritual Truth is that you are a Divine Being, here to experience your Divinity within your humanity.
So why would you ever be willing to settle for less than a Divine human experience?
Abundance is part of your Divine nature … all you have to do is CHOOSE IT within your humanity.
The key to you most abundant human experience is
It isn't hard to change your karmic patterns. However, stepping into Karmic Mastery will require you to operate very differently from what you are used to.
Here’s what you MUST bring to the table, if you want to consciously and purposefully craft your karma to create the life you want:
- You recognize that you alone are the powerful Creator of your experience, and you are willing to take 100% responsibility for every single circumstance in your life.
- You realize that new action and a little effort will be required of you, if you want to consciously craft the karmic patterns that attract your desired circumstances into your life.
- You are willing to step outside of your comfort zone so that you may create extraordinary results.
I have set the intention to make $5,000 this month. I have set this intention many times, always falling short. The month is not quite finished and I have made already $6,000 quite effortlessly! I am overjoyed! Something has shifted in me, I know now without doubt that I can create what I want, and do so joyfully!
Shivany Gonell
I love this class so much! It's the best information I've ever received on HOW to create empowered boundaries. Implementing the wisdom from Karmic Mastery is transforming my relationships, finances and health in a positive way because now I know the most important aspect to be conscious of in all my actions. It's like the missing piece of the puzzle has finally been found. Thank you Andrrea!
Jennifer Currie
Your Investment: US$497 US$197
Or three monthly payments of US$79
All program modules will be delivered via video and downloadable MP3 files in our online members area. You will receive the first two modules immediately after you register. The remaining modules and your bonus "Unstoppable" program will become available eight days later.
The Karmic Mastery Curriculum
Module One: Karmic Pattern Recognition
In this first module, you’ll learn the underlying rule by which all karma operates - and no, it’s not as simple as “what you put out there is what you get back.” You will probably realize within the first half hour of content why a great many circumstances that you do not want are showing up for you!

We will also talk about karmic timing and how karma created in a past life affects us in our lives today. You’ll find out how to develop the most essential skill you’ll need for Karmic Mastery, and how to stop your mind and ego from getting in the way of this work.

Module Two: Karmic Boundaries
In this module, we’ll examine the ultimate equation that allows you to powerfully create your karma and your human experience. We’ll discuss in detail what we are and are NOT responsible for within our relationships, and how to shift our karma while maintaining responsibility for the agreements we have with others.
You’ll also learn how to accurately discern which of your choices attracts negative experiences with other people into your life, and how to eliminate these experiences once and for all.
Module Three: Shifting Your Karmic Patterns
In this module, you’ll learn how to specifically shift your karmic patterns to attract the reality you want for yourself! You’ll learn how to build on the skills you developed in Module One to start consciously and purposefully stepping into karmic mastery.

We’ll also discuss what to expect as you transition between karmic patterns, and what to do if you get stuck! This module is designed to shift your level of thinking completely as you tune into your personal karmic operating system.

Module Four: Shifting Your Money Karma
Because there’s nothing Divine about struggling to pay the mortgage, cultivating financial abundance is an integral part of living as a Divine Being in your human experience!
In this module, we’ll discuss how to shift your personal relationship with money and cover some of the most prevalent karmic patterns that create financial disempowerment.
You’ll learn about the essence of creating income, as well as how to hone in on your financial intention so that you can shift your karmic patterns to attract more money into your life. You’ll also learn what specific actions and choices will take you into your next level of financial abundance - a process you’ll be able to repeat again and again as you grow your income.
Module Five: Shifting Your Relationship Karma
In this module, you’ll learn how to shift your karmic patterns so that you alter the quality of your relationships - with family members, partners, friends, your kids, or even your co-workers.

We will talk about how to set appropriate relationship intentions and the essence of what allows us to attract the experience we want within our interactions with other people.
You’ll learn about the three different kinds of choices that govern our relationship karma and how to address each in the context of your intention. We’ll also discuss how your children are affected when you shift your karmic patterns. Finally, we will address how to most effectively attract a new relationship through karmic mastery.

Module Six: Karmic Mastery For Health & Well-Being
In this final module, we will talk about how karmic mastery can dramatically improve your health and well-being. We will discuss about the underlying karmic and energetic implications of disease, how to uncover the karmic patterns that are influencing your health, and how to shift these patterns so that your body can heal.
We will also address how to use karmic mastery to shift any unhealthy habits that may be sabotaging our health and well-being.
I already experienced immediate positive shifts in my relationships. I am taking swift action in new areas that I have dreamed of doing for so long and not pursued. I have finally identified the deep inner conflicts I was feeling toward it by focusing on the energetic qualities of my actions and consequences. I am finally finishing artwork and opening an online store for it. I am raising my prices. It's hard to describe how GREAT this feels.
Katy DeBra
The possibilities are endless. I feel closer to my kids and my husband. More importantly I now have a more compassionate relationship with myself. I feel more empowered to make choices from a space of freedom instead of obligation and limitation.
Tania Barker
I've been going around in circles with all the personal development work creating variations of the same results but not really getting anywhere. I now know how to manifest new results! Thank you.
While we may justify struggle and hardship as being some sort of “lesson” that we have to learn … the sad Truth is that calling something a “lesson” is simply a nice, spiritual way of saying that we just don’t understand WHY certain consequences are showing up for us.
And yet ...
There is a Divine Order to everything in our world. The circumstances that show up in our lives are no different.
Karma is the organizational principle that governs everything we attract.
Karma is not only perfectly in Divine Order, it is also entirely PREDICTABLE.
What if you never had to worry about getting smacked down by unexpected drama or financial difficulties?
What if you felt totally SAFE, knowing that you are not going to attract anything unwanted into your experience?
Once you understand the way karma operates AND discover your personal rules by which you create both positive and negative karma … then you can consciously craft the reality of your choosing.
Just imagine being able to attract ONLY the consequences you want.
It’s possible! Ready?
Your Investment: US$497 US$197
Or three monthly payments of US$79
All program modules will be delivered via video and downloadable MP3 files in our online members area. You will receive the first two modules immediately after you register. The remaining modules and your bonus "Unstoppable" program will become available eight days later.

My Reassuring Money Back Guarantee
Not quite sure? You have seven days to dive into the first two video modules of the Karmic Mastery program. If you decide that this program is going to require you to step too far out of your comfort zone or that you're simply not committed enough to living your Divinity within your humanity, then simply request your full refund before the rest of the video modules are made available to you. I'll happily give you your money back! Beyond the seven days after you register, I will assume that you are committed to the process. Your non-participation will not be a valid reason for a refund request beyond the seven-day refund period.
You will also receive the following BONUSES when you register before your special offer expires!
Bonus One: A Karmic Clearing Meditation
There is no way to energetically "clear" karma - we talked about this on our webinar. However, energy clearing can certainly SUPPORT the practical work you are doing throughout this program! This meditation process will assist you in shifting karmic patterns at an energetic level, to make shifting your karmic patterns at the physical level easier.
Bonus Two: "Unstoppable"
Discover how your ego can become your Soul's supportive partner on your path of evolution and growth! Change doesn't have to be "hard." This ten-part, video-based program will teach you how to avoid getting stuck in procrastination, drama, distraction, and inaction and move forward towards your Divine self-expression without self-sabotage.
Your Investment: US$497 US$197
Or three monthly payments of US$79
All program modules will be delivered via video and downloadable MP3 files in our online members area. You will receive the first two modules immediately after you register. The remaining modules and your bonus "Unstoppable" program will become available eight days later.